Registration Policy

Registration Policy:

Should we cancel a class, we will either refund your tuition or work with you to find another class that suits your interests.

Tuition for all meetups, one-day, and weekend classes are non-refundable. Some longer programs include non-refundable deposits.

For cancellations prior to the start of weekly workshops, unless noted otherwise, you may receive a 66% refund or bank the full amount for a future class. 

For withdrawals from weekly workshops: If you withdraw before the second scheduled meeting, the refund for your tuition is 50%.

For all classes, workshops, and longer programs (i.e. Atheneum, CNF Studio, etc.), there are no refunds after two meetings.

Also: You can always bank your refund for a workshop during a future term. Banked refunds must be used within one year of issue.

A Statement of Our Values

The Attic Institute of Arts and Letters opposes the legitimation of bigotry, hate, and misinformation. As a studio for writers, we do not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind. We embrace and celebrate our shared pursuit of literature and languages as essential to crossing the boundaries of difference. To that end, we seek to maintain a creative environment in which every employee, faculty member, and student feels safe, respected, and comfortable — even while acknowledging that poems, stories, and essays delve into uncomfortable subjects. We accept the workshop as a place to question ourselves and to empathize with complex identities. We understand that to know the world is to write the world. Therefore, we reaffirm our commitment to literary pursuits and shared understanding by affirming diversity and open inquiry.