Classes at the Attic

APPS DUE: MAR 31 | CNF Studio | Apr 10 - Jun 12 | In-person

Write What You Want to Know


The Creative Nonfiction (CNF) Studio is based on the idea that inspiration, accountability, and community are essential to every writer’s growth. The CNF Studio meets weekly for multi-month sessions, and its curriculum is designed to help you deepen your writing through a keener understanding of both literary craft and your own voice. The CNF Studio is open to applications from all writers, and members often return for multiple sessions. This creates the Studio’s special experience: a consistent, deep, and supportive study of your writing in the company of other writers. Each weekly session includes a close-reading and discussion of a selected work of creative nonfiction, a roundtable reading of take-home prompts, and in-depth critique of several works-in-progress. Over the course of their time in the CNF Studio, writers can expect to read widely and gain deep insight into their own writing, all the while exploring questions of structure, form, narration, truth, memory, influence, and voice.  | Maximum 9 students  

Learn more about the CNF Studio

To Apply: To apply to join the next Creative Nonfiction Studio, please send a writing sample of up to 3,500 words and a 250-word statement of purpose.

Send your application to:

Workshop Day: 
Apr 10 - Jun 12, 5:30 - 8:30pm
Total Fee: 
Registration: $715

Craft of Fiction Workshop: Place + Character w Jules Ohman | Jan 12 - Feb 2

This generative workshop will explore the craft of fiction through the lens of building compelling characters, a strong sense of place, balancing scene and exposition, and creating narrative weight. Open to all writers. Open to all writers.

Register for this workshop

Workshop Day: 
Sundays, Jan 12 - Feb 2, 11am - 1:30pm
Attic Institute, 1033 SW Yamhill St., Suite 405
Total Fee: 

Craft of Personal Essays w Paige Thomas | Jan 14 - Feb 18

This workshop is for both the seasoned essayist and the writer who is brand new to the genre. Built to introduce (or reintroduce) the power of the essay to convey personal experience, we’ll spend our time exploring what makes a great personal essay through prompts, discussion, and excerpted readings. Writers should expect to generate new material that can be expanded upon throughout the course and beyond.

Register for this workshop

Tuesdays, Jan 14 - Feb 18, 6:30 - 8pm
Attic Institute, 1033 SW Yamhill St., Suite 405
Total Fee: 

Beginning Your Poetry Practice Workshop w Craig Brandis | Jan 16 - Feb 20 | Zoom

Have you recently begun to write poetry or now wish to? Learning to write poetry begins with looking at the world with a sense of wonder and curiosity. It begins with special affection for words and a desire to be in the company of other poets who feel the same. Maybe you just need a push — a practice? Each session in this workshop will begin with poetry games and in-class writing. Craft discussions, based on what we write and share, will help us follow the trail down to where things get true. Poems from Duo Duo, Kay Ryan and others help light our way. Share your work in an environment of acceptance and discovery.  Open to all writers. Come join us!

Register for this workshop

Thursdays, Jan 16 - Feb 20, 6:30 - 8pm, Pacific Time
Via Zoom
Total Fee: 

Monthly Poetry Gathering w John Morrison | Jan 19 - Apr 13

“A poet’s resources and inspirations remain constant, but our curiosity about form and technique renews the art for us.” Paul Violi

A Monthly Exploration of Possibilities: Forms and Constraints

Here’s a gathering that can flow with the longer rhythms of your writing. One Sunday afternoon for four months, in a comfortable but focused fashion, we will explore the power and potential of form and constraints to generate, deepen and strengthen our poetry. Working with both strict and more flexible forms, and using model poems as guides, we will experiment and generate drafts to take back into your own practice and strategies to power energetic revisions of stubborn drafts. This session is in person, so we can listen closely and productively support one another as we play and share.

Register for this workshop

Workshop Day: 
Sundays, 2 - 4pm. Meets: Jan 19, Feb 16, Mar 16, Apr 13
Attic Institute, 1033 SW Yamhill, Suite 405, Portland, OR 97205
Total Fee: 

A Book of Hours Workshop w Wendy Willis | Jan - Oct 2025 | Zoom

The novelist, poet, and Substack genius Jeannine Ouelette recently wrote "pay close attention to the world. If you do this consistently and record your observations meticulously, your writing will explode with a realness and a vividness you cannot achieve any other way." This loosely connective generative workshop taps into the hours and the seasons that prod--demand?--us to attend to the moments that otherwise might slip by. 

You can take one, two, three, or all four workshops that will both leave you with your own book--or books--of hours and vivify and deepen your other writing. 

All genres encouraged and welcome.

Register for ALL Four Book of Hours sessions : Jan 25-26, Apr 26-27, July 26-27, Oct 18-19

Register ONLY for Winter Book of HoursJan 25, 10am - 4pm + Jan 26, 10am - 1pm

Register ONLY for Spring Book of HoursApr 26, 10am - 4pm + Apr 27, 10am - 1pm

Register ONLY for Summer Book of HoursJuly 26, 10am - 4pm + July 27, 10am - 1pm

Register ONLY for Fall Book of Hours: October 18, 10am - 4pm + Oct 19, 10am - 1pm

Four weekends (see above for dates + times)
Via Zoom
Total Fee: 
Discount for all four sessions: $950. $249 for each session.

The "Story Renovation" Workshop w Alex Behr | Feb 9 - Mar 2

Reframing story “revision” as a renovation can break down barriers of procrastination, frustration, and fears a story will never become “right.” Revision can seem like a punitive step leftover from school to meet a rubric or grade instead of an exploratory step akin to the joys of freewriting. Story renovation means keeping the structure, or bones, and restoring or reimagining other parts through guided word play. Participants will use story drafts to practice hands-on renovation approaches such as highlighting, cutting and taping, and drawing maps, along with generating new passages. We’ll leave with renovation techniques to keep us motivated and engaged and guidance and models from craft experts. 

Register for this workshop


Sundays,10am - 12:30pm, Feb 9, 16, 23, Mar 2
Attic Institute, 1033 SW Yamhill St., Suite 405
Total Fee: 

The Writers' Laboratory w Lee Montgomery | Feb 18 - Mar 25 | Online

A generative workshop for both fiction and nonfiction writers

Frank Conroy, the long-time director of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop once said, In good writing, you can feel a soul pressing up against the narrative. The question is how do writers discover that “soul” and translate it into good storytelling? We’ll first focus on finding the soul that’s pushing you to write by offering a true laboratory, a safe place to inspire and experiment with new ideas generated by in-class prompts and exercises. We will talk about the craft of narrative, as well. Students will be required to read assigned essays and memoir excerpts outside of class to get a sense of the forms and techniques of narrative. The hope is students will be well on their way with a map for a new project by the end of class. The Writer’s Laboratory is ideal for beginning writers but also for more established writers seeking to generate new lively autobiographical material. | Maximum: 12 writers 

Register for this workshop

Tuesdays, Feb 18 - Mar 25, 5 - 7:30pm | 6 weeks
Total Fee: 

Start Your Memoir Workshop w Paige Thomas | Feb 25 - Apr 8

Sometimes, starting is the hardest part. Writing about your life can feel impossible, but that is when we rely on our writing communities. This workshop is built for writers interested in developing the beginning of a longer nonfiction project like a memoir or essay collection. Writers will generate material in a thoughtful deadline-driven process, share an opening draft with a supportive audience, and give/receive feedback. Writing prompts and exercises will be provided throughout the course to sharpen your project’s start.

Register for this workshop

Tuesdays, Feb 25 - Apr 8 (No meeting Mar 11), 6:30 - 8pm
Attic Institute, 1033 SW Yamhill St., Suite 405
Total Fee: 

Craft of Poetry Workshop: Voice and Vision w Craig Brandis | Feb 27 - Apr 3 | Zoom

Have you been wondering how to move your poetry practice to the next level? Would you like to share your work in an environment of acceptance and discovery? Leveling up means expanding your vocabulary of poetry moves. “For me, meaning arrives, almost unbidden, from an accumulation of details,” says Ted Kooser, and we're going to study how some modern masters make their poems work by focusing on details: physical, emotional and temporal, and their use of literary devices and motifs. We will then apply those lessons to our own poems. Discover how your poetic voice and vision emerge, change and grow. Poems from Arthur Sze, Mary Ruefle, Li-Young Lee and others help light our way. Come join us! Open to all writers.

Register for this workshop

Thursdays, Feb 27 - Apr 3, 6:30 - 8pm, Pacific Time
Via Zoom
Total Fee: 

Sound in Poetry Workshop w Lila Cutter | Mar 1 | Zoom

What catches your ear? This workshop is dedicated to sound within poetry: dialogue, musicality, and voice. Poetry has its roots in the auditory, and for good reason. In this single-day workshop, we will let sound lead, by leaning into play through generative prompts. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Register for this workshop

Saturday, Mar 1, 9am - 12pm
Via Zoom
Total Fee: 

Memoir Bootcamp w Erica Berry | Mar 8 -9

Whether you’re already knee-deep in a memoiristic writing project or intrigued by the prospect of beginning to write with a first-person voice, this two-day intensive will provide a supportive, nourishing environment for you to develop your craft. Through a mix of short writing exercises, readings, discussion, craft talks, and optional opportunities for feedback, students will gain tools to think more deeply about time and structure in memoir, narrative voice, the balance of scene and exposition, and more general advice on the challenges and joys of writing in this genre. No experience required, only curiosity and a willingness to experiment. Open to all writers.

Register for this workshop

Sat-Sun, Mar 8 - 9, 10am - 2:30pm
Attic Institute, 1033 SW Yamhill St., Suite 405
Total Fee: 

Craft of Fiction Workshop: Plot + Structure w Jules Ohman | Mar 16 - Apr 6

This generative workshop will explore the craft of fiction through the lens of narrative and story-telling, building compelling characters, a strong sense of place, balancing scene and exposition, and creating narrative weight. Open to all writers. Open to all writers.

Register for this workshop

Sundays, Mar 16 - Apr 6, 11am - 1:30pm
Attic Institute, 1033 SW Yamhill St., Suite 405
Total Fee: 

The A.M. Memoir Workshop w Laura Moulton | Apr 7 - May 12 FULL -- WAITLIST ONLY

Writing the Self

Using prompts, short readings, and discussion, this generative nonfiction workshop will focus on mining our personal histories and crafting them into the form they deserve. We’ll also explore the ways we sometimes get in the way of our own stories — and how to use that to break through and write around the blocks. CNF, personal essays, journaling...all are welcome. Open to all writers.

Register for this workshop

Workshop Day: 
Mondays, Apr 7 - May 12, 10 - 11:30am
Attic Institute, 1033 SW Yamhill St., Suite #405
Total Fee: 

Writing Your Grief Workshop w Ed Sage | Apr 10 - May 15 | Zoom

In this exploratory, generative workshop we will be using our writing to be in relationship with our grief and compassion by meeting them, reimagining them, and bringing light to the shadows. We will interrupt the "arrangements" in our lives that perhaps are not serving us well and redefine stubborn “truths” about our sorrow.  You can expect to discover new threads in your work as well as create drafts of pieces that inspire more commitment.  Writing about grief can free us to be more empathic and compassionate with ourselves and others; it can help us discover the universal in our experience and blessings we would share. 

Register for this workshop


Workshop Day: 
Wednesdays, Apr 10 - May 15, 6:30 - 8pm, Pacific Time
Via Zoom
Total Fee: 

Poetry of the Everyday Workshop w Lila Cutter | Apr 29 - June 3 | Zoom

Poetry is as much a practice in observation as it is in writing. In this generative workshop we will cull our daily environments for sensory details and inspiration—letting the mundane, move us. We will engage in readings, writing prompts, and activities that encourage us to see the humor and beauty of the everyday. No prior experience with poetry is needed, just a curiosity in capturing moments.

Register for this workshop

Tuesdays April 29 - June 3,  6:30 - 8pm, Pacific Time
Via Zoom
Total Fee: 

Intro to Flash Nonfiction Workshop w Brian Benson | May 6 - June 3 | Zoom

Minimum Words, Maximum Impact

Flash nonfiction, simply put, is true-to-life writing defined by extreme compression. It's saying what you've got to say using as few words, and as much beauty, as possible. An endlessly accessible, playful, potent form, flash nonfiction is evermore popular; from Brevity to Barren, The Forge to The Sun, legions of journals are publishing great flash. This class is open to all writers, whether you're new to flash or finishing your first collection. Over five weeks, students will read stellar flash, begin new pieces, workshop works-in-progress, and move toward submitting work for publication. | Maximum: 16 writers. Open to all writers.

Register for this workshop

Workshop Day: 
Tuesdays, May 6 - Jun 3, 6 - 8pm Pacific
Zoom | Online Workshop
Total Fee: 

A Statement of Our Values

The Attic Institute of Arts and Letters opposes the legitimation of bigotry, hate, and misinformation. As a studio for writers, we do not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind. We embrace and celebrate our shared pursuit of literature and languages as essential to crossing the boundaries of difference. To that end, we seek to maintain a creative environment in which every employee, faculty member, and student feels safe, respected, and comfortable — even while acknowledging that poems, stories, and essays delve into uncomfortable subjects. We accept the workshop as a place to question ourselves and to empathize with complex identities. We understand that to know the world is to write the world. Therefore, we reaffirm our commitment to literary pursuits and shared understanding by affirming diversity and open inquiry.